Beijiro 36Z
Beijiro 36Z
Registration Number: FB 17188
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Beijiro 36Z is a son of the original World K’s Beijirou, who is a full brother to Genjiro. He is sired by Haruki II, and his dam is Okutani, who is one of the great foundation cows of the breed.
The Okutani line that our Bejiro son shares also goes back to Fujiko, the first Wagyu female born in the U.S. We also purchased her exclusive cell line in 2012 for $26,000. The Okutani line our bull comes from is a powerful line. Beijiro 36Z is out of Mizukura 17W, who weighs 1300 pounds; she traces back to Kobe Mizutani 607E, who currently weighs 1540 pounds. Kobe Mizutani is a daughter of Kenhanafuji.
Our bull weighed in at 1680 pounds on May 20, 2016. His average birth weights are 55-60 pounds, and he is a long bodied bull who will add length in his offspring.
Semen is limited and export qualified to Canada, Mexico, Australia, most of South and Central American countries. Not EU qualified.
Customer Information about ordering Semen from Reserve Cattle Co.
What do I need to know about ordering semen/embryos online?
• Your price at checkout is only the cost of the actual semen straws/embryos.
• Shipping of embryos and semen is the responsibility of the purchaser.
• Once we are notified through email that a purchase has been made we will then email a representative at Trans Ova or Hawkeye Breeders where our inventory is stored. We will also copy your email to them as well for an introduction so you can work out shipping with them.
• You can also set up an account at either location and keep the semen or embryos in storage until you need them.
• Semen or embryos will not be released until we get confirmation the credit card has been charged.